Missionary Talks

The podcast where missionaries share their lives and work.

Missionary Talks 54: Don and Carolyn Carney about Furlough

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 3:46 pm on Thursday, July 10, 2008

I spoke with Don and Carolyn Carney about their recent furlough trip. They took 2 months to return to the US and visit 17 churches along with seeing some of their family members. This is how they have done their furloughs for the last several years. Our family is returning to the US in the next several weeks to take a year long furlough.

We discussed the different reasons why a missionary would take a longer or shorter time for furlough.

I had previously interviewed Don Carney for Missionary Talks. If you have not listened to that episode, you may want to hear that one as well.

This interview might possibly be the first introduction to many of the listeners to the phrase “a pig in a poke.” Where else can you get such high culture?


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