Missionary Talks

The podcast where missionaries share their lives and work.

Missionary Talks 77: Rodney Myers

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes,Talk — David Peach at 11:39 am on Saturday, September 11, 2010

Myers Family photoTanzania is a country in East Africa where Rodney Myers and his family serve as missionaries. They work with the Datooga tribe as church planters. Bro. Rodney shares a bit about the Datooga tribe and the recent publication of the Datooga Bible.

One of the things we talked at length about was linguistic training and how it can be a benefit to the missionary. This is true if a missionary is going into a tribal setting where there might not be a formal language school, but also for missionaries going to minister in a language that is not their native tongue. Bro. Rodney mentioned the linguistics program that he attended and later gave me some resources of linguistic interest.

Linguistic Resources:

Be sure to visit Bro. Myers’ blog for stories of life in Tanzania.


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