Missionary Talks 21: David Carrel
Bro. Carrel is a missionary on deputation going to Brazil. Those of you who heard episode 6 know that deputation is a time that a missionary goes to different churches to seek financial and prayer support for his ministry. Bro. David is the first missionary on deputation that I have spoken with on Missionary Talks.…
Missionary Talks 20: Garvin Dykes
In episode 18 I spoke with John Yingling, the Missions Director for Baptist International Outreach. At that time I knew that Bro. Garvin Dykes would be coming to the area, but then it did not look like I was going to be able to interview Bro. Dykes who is the President of the same board…
Missionary Talks 19: Peter Ard
Missionary Peter Ard has been in Argentina for 19 years working with the Jews. In this episode he shares some of his philosophy of ministry and how the Lord called him to Argentina. Though born in California, he was living in Hawaii when the Lord called him to be a missionary. It is interesting to…
Promotional Help
I have asked for your help in voting for Missionary Talks at Podcast Alley. I think I have even mentioned that Missionary Talks can be dugg at digg.com. What I have not mentioned is the need for reviews through iTunes. The vast majority of listeners (greater than 75%) to Missionary Talks use iTunes to download…
Missionary Talks 18: John Yingling BIO
John Yingling joins us to talk about Baptist International Outreach (BIO). John is the Missions Director for the board. He gives the history of the board and a little information about how the board is unique. He also shares with the listeners some ideas on how to prepare themselves for service on the mission field.…
Missionary Talks 17: Bob Van Sant
In this interview Bro. Van Sant tells us about his ministry in Ukraine. He went to start a church for the Deaf and ended up with a much broader ministry. He has since trained a deaf man as pastor of the church and Bob is currently pastoring the hearing church. He and his wife Judy…
Missionary Talks: Long Promo
Here is a new longer promotional piece. I did not really spend a lot of time on it. I would really like to get some feedback from someone telling me if it is usable or not. Use it however you will. I appreciate any promotion you can give.