Missionary Talks

The podcast where missionaries share their lives and work.

Missionary Talks 48: Fred Carlson

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 12:43 am on Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bro. Fred Carlson spoke with me about his 30+ years of involvement in the mission field. He personally served as a missionary pilot and church planter in various countries. Currently he is teaching missions classes in a college setting.

In this interview he explains a bit about his ministry on the foreign field and tells about some of the missions classes he teaches. I was surprised, in a good way, by one of his answers to my question about which classes someone should focus on while preparing to be a missionary on a college level.


Missionary Talks 47: Harry and Gina Stanley

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 6:51 pm on Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Harry and Gina Stanley share with the listeners about their planned ministry in England. They will be starting a church after spending some time learning the culture. Both of them stressed in the interview that no matter to whom you are ministering, people are simply people. While people have different cultures and backgrounds, they all need to know about the Savior.

Dr. Stanley served many years in the pastorate in the US. Because of their experiences, they were able to share some insight that was helpful to me as a missionary.

You can learn more about their ministry at their website.


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