Category: Information

  • Missionary Talks 78: Jim Belisle

    Bro. Jim Belisle is a missionary evangelist. He travels to different fields helping missionaries conduct evangelistic crusades as well as teaches in Bible Institutes around the world. Bro. Jim shares with us some of the different ways he helps missionaries. He also encourages listeners to do their part is assisting missionaries in two specific ways.…

  • Missionary Talks: Listener Feedback 08

    This is not a traditional feedback episode in that I am not sharing news from you for other listeners. However, I am asking for some feedback on some possible additions at Missionary Talks. I am proposing a new show format that would be in addition to the interviews. This new format will be called Missionary…

  • Missionary Talks: Listener Feedback 06

    I share some of the emails and comments I have gotten recently from the listeners. The interviews I talk about in this episode are: Debi Deryee Ignacio Rovirosa Bethany Thompson Chris and Carol Woodley My Prayer is Heard streaming radio station is playing Missionary Talks twice a day. Visit their site to get the program…

  • Questions about furlough

    On July 8 I will be interviewing a missionary couple who just returned to the field from a 2 month furlough. My family and I are about to leave the field for a year to take a furlough. I will be talking with this couple about why one would want to do shorter trips more…

  • Thank you for your prayers

    Thank you for praying. We did have strong winds all day yesterday (Tuesday), but we never really got much rain. The storm passed below us by about 100-150 miles. As it moved across the peninsula it broke down considerably and the north side of the storm did not hold together. Because of where the storm…

  • David Livingstone Full audio file

    The audio file of the full biography of David Livingstone is now available! This special file contains just the biographical sketch of Dr. Livingstone. There are none of the additional comments at the beginning. Just the Missionary Talks intro and outro. This is not in the podcast feed. You will need to download it directly…

  • Subscribe via Email

    If you would like to know when Missionary Talks is updated and you either don’t use a podcatcher or RSS reader,and, furthermore, have no clue as to what I am talking about, then you can subscribe via email. You will get one email a day if there are any updates to the Missionary Talks website.…