Missionary Talks

The podcast where missionaries share their lives and work.

Missionary Chats 1: Communications Technology

Filed under: Chat,Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 12:56 am on Friday, February 12, 2010

I chatted with Missionary Shane Rice about different ways missionaries can communicate with their friends and family back home. We talked about VoIP telephone systems, websites and mailing lists. One of the questions that came up in our discussion is, “How do you, the one praying for the missionary, want to be kept up to date?” Please send me an email, or post a comment with your response.

Episode Links:

Please leave a comment or send an email with any feedback you may have for Shane or I.


Missionary Talks 72: Andy Shinabery

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes,Talk — David Peach at 6:36 pm on Friday, February 5, 2010

Andy Shinabery and David Peach

Andy Shinabery is a church planting missionary in Costa Rica. In this interview Andy talks with us about the two churches he and his family have been able to start. He also shares about some of the recreational activities his family have been able to enjoy on the field.

Andy spoke with me when they were in the United States for furlough. He talks about how the two furloughs they have had have been different for them as a family.

Listen as he shares some of his vision for the future and how he believes Costa Rica can be used by God to evangelize nations that are closed to missionaries from larger countries such as the United States.


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