Missionary Talks

The podcast where missionaries share their lives and work.

Missionary Talks 58: Jonathan Anderson

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 9:51 pm on Thursday, October 30, 2008

Listen as Jonathan Anderson tells about his experiences since he started deputation to go to the country of Mexico just a few months ago. Jonathan is a young man who is passionate about helping people know God’s will and sharing with them how they can prepare themselves for the ministry.

After Jonathan and I finished recording he began to talk about another ministry in which he is involved. He heads up prayer groups which pray for missions and missionaries on a regular basis. Please visit Jonathan’s website to learn more about how you can be involved in prayer for missions.


Missionary Talks 57: Bethany Thompson

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 9:47 pm on Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bethany Thompson is a missionary whom I met when I was still in college. We both worked in the deaf ministry at the church that we attended. She was very involved and was always focused on the goal of serving the Lord on the mission field. It was an honor to be able to speak with her for this interview.

In this episode Bethany shares with the listeners her desires as an educator and deaf worker. She encourages the listeners to spend as much time as possible learning about the field to which you will be ministering. Bethany also emphasizes the need of missionaries to continue their language studies if they are ministering in a new language. She does not do this in a way to discourage those who are struggling with language, but tries to be an encouragement that it is a life-time process to learn a foreign language.


Missionary Talks 56: John Corley

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 10:27 pm on Saturday, September 13, 2008

I was privileged to get to know the Corley family this week as we were in a missionary conference together. Bro. Corley talks with us about his short term trips to the Philippines and about his future return to the country as a full time missionary. He encourages listeners to consistently share their faith with others.

If you want more information about the short term trips that he mentions or about his family you can email him or visit their website.


Missionary Talks 55: David Peach

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 11:06 pm on Tuesday, August 19, 2008

In this episode I give an update about our ministry. What has been happening in the last couple of months and where we are going as a family and as a podcast. I know things have slowed down on your end with receiving Missionary Talks, but I assure you that on my end things are just getting exciting.

I have been waiting a long time for this to come. We are going back to the US for a year and I will be meeting new missionaries every week! I don’t know if that means that there will be a new episode posted weekly, but I will be grabbing recordings everywhere I get a chance. I really am looking forward to our time on furlough to be with our supporting churches and to be able to get new interviews.

I do have another interview currently recorded. I just have not had the time to do the necessary editing. With the move back to the US and having just finished another week of camp, my computer time has been somewhat limited. But that is the beauty of recording. I will be able to get this interview to you when it is ready.

Don’t expect new interviews to be coming left and right immediately, but I would think by the time October gets here I will be able to give more content on a regular basis. Thanks for hanging in with me through this time.


Missionary Talks 54: Don and Carolyn Carney about Furlough

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 3:46 pm on Thursday, July 10, 2008

I spoke with Don and Carolyn Carney about their recent furlough trip. They took 2 months to return to the US and visit 17 churches along with seeing some of their family members. This is how they have done their furloughs for the last several years. Our family is returning to the US in the next several weeks to take a year long furlough.

We discussed the different reasons why a missionary would take a longer or shorter time for furlough.

I had previously interviewed Don Carney for Missionary Talks. If you have not listened to that episode, you may want to hear that one as well.

This interview might possibly be the first introduction to many of the listeners to the phrase “a pig in a poke.” Where else can you get such high culture?


Questions about furlough

Filed under: Information — David Peach at 8:44 pm on Saturday, July 5, 2008

On July 8 I will be interviewing a missionary couple who just returned to the field from a 2 month furlough. My family and I are about to leave the field for a year to take a furlough. I will be talking with this couple about why one would want to do shorter trips more often as opposed to a longer furlough.

If you have any questions, for the husband or wife, then please send me an email or leave a comment to this post.

Missionary Talks 53: Bob Patterson

Filed under: Podcast,Show Notes — David Peach at 12:05 am on Monday, June 16, 2008

In this episode I talked with Bob Patterson who recently took a mission trip to Uganda. This was a short term trip in which Bob helped with a medical team. Though Bob is not a long term missionary today, he grew up on the mission field in Mexico.

Because he sees missions from both sides, he really has a great perspective on what the average person in the church can do to help their missionaries. He knows how to connect the person on the field to the person in the pew.

His recent trip was with Operation Renewed Hope. This is a short term group that is based out of his church. At their website you can find out much more information about being a part of one of their future trips.

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