I am David Peach, missionary to the Deaf in Mérida, Yucatán, México. We have been on the field since August of 2004. This podcast grows out of an insatiable desire to quiz everyone I meet about their particular occupation. Since missionaries have interesting jobs that are of great interest to me, I thought I would share the information I learn with you, the listener.
I plan to release these interviews once a week. My goal is to hold them to 15 minutes each. That will be tough as I have enjoyed talking to the missionaries that I have interviewed so far and really hate cutting out any of the audio. I have 2 episodes almost ready to go and 2 more in the works. This should give me a bit of a buffer as I look for more missionaries to interview.
I don’t know at this point what day of the week the podcasts will be uploaded. Be patient as we get started and find our way around the scheduling. On top of conducting and editing interviews, I also have a ministry of my own that requires its own attention. For those of you familiar with missions, you may know that we don’t necessarily hold regular business hours. But we also don’t know from week to week what is in store. There is little about the idea of “routine” that applies to the mission field.